Sunday 6 October 2013

A Little Tied Up Last Night

Last night I had the wonderful opportunity to go to Nuit Blanche with a good friend. We ended up staying out until about 1:00am then after a quick rest I went back out in our area to explore a bit more. For the past 8 years there has been a night long rope show with a live feed attached if you want to find some information on it, it's called Morpheous' Bondage Extravaganza they have done a wonderful job of pairing rigger's and rope bottoms to create a beautiful show. I highly suggest taking a browse of the website if it's something you are into, because I know I will.

*Cough* Often! *Cough*

I spent a good amount of time at MBE 2013 watching, learning and admiring. In-fact I started and ended my night in the walls of this wonderful place. I'm a bit of a rope fanatic, and some of the stuff these experts can do is breath taking.

Ok, soooooooo I'm going to stop talking about it now before I start drooling.

Yours in Serenity,

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