Wednesday 14 August 2013

My Khador army will crush yours!


my friend decided that he didn't want to play Warmachine alone so he got me into it by purchasing my first
starter kit.

I will admit the description of Khador made me make high pitched squeaky noises, seriously who can resist:
Khador's powerful warjacks epitomize the national ideals of strength and resilience and are as relentless in battle as the frigid winter of their homeland.
Taken straight off of the back of the Khador Battlegroup box.

 *Insert stupid grin*

Okaaaay! So now you know my painfully horrible addiction that has started all of three days ago. Now I must admit the horrible truth... My painting skills suck, it seriously looks like an epileptic monkey spazzed out and threw red paint everywhere. But it is my first go and I'm slowly learning some new techniques. Lets show you the first photo while I hide in shame.

I also am quite aware how bright and out of focus it is... Photos should get better eventually...

What I have realized is that the Khador paint kit didn't have all the colours I saw my army being in, so I bought two full paint kits and a pot of Quick Silver. So now I can make my army of the frigid north shine bright like the snow and ice from their homelands.

I know, I have quite a ways to go before my miniatures army is completed but I am in it for the long haul, and I am looking forward to what it looks like all completed.

Yours in Serenity,

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